Berakhir separuh 2017

Masa aku tulis ni, da masuk bulan July da. Pejam celik pejam celik, da habis da separuh 2017. Woahhhhhhhhhhhh. Cepatnya.

So amacam? Da ada life changing episode ke belom?

I charted the most interesting life changing event for the past 6 months!

1. I developed an obsession with makeup. Bought gazilion of makeup (some that i regrets). Following my newly developed passion, I attended 2 makeup classes and i loved it!

2. I revived my diving interest and went for PADI Advance Diver Certification. Woot woot. Akamazing! Now I am an advance diver and can go up to 40m. Yeay!

3. I just changed my #roadtomua to #iamamuanow! Alhamdulillah. My passion paid off and thats exactly my dream. To change my hobby/ passion to money. Love it.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. What a great year. The rest of my wishes are still on the way to becoming true.

Play hard, work smart, live you life.


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