Politik Di Mana-Mana

Hidup kita hari-hari sebenarnya berkait rapat sangat dengan politik, dalam sedar tak sedarlah.

Kau baca paper, pasal politik UMNO, PAS, DAP dan lain2 parti lah.
Kau pergi kerja, ada pulak office politik yang tah hape hape.
Kau balik rumah plak, family kau pon main politik rupanya.

Seriusly, memang daily life kte evolve around politics tau.

Tapi hari ni nak cte pasal office politics. Kesian bila kau jadi mangsa. Ive experienced it myself, almost 5 years in corporate world, kau x rasa memang pelik lah weh. Its either kau katak bawah tempurung or you are just too busy to care.

My wisdom has always been 'Ignorance is a Bliss' when it comes to the office politics. Kalau kau amik port sangat, memang habis lah kau. It will really dragged you down. So the best things to do is ignore.

And my colleague always said to me, no matter how performing you are, be it rating 5 out of 5 today, there will be a day where you are just like everybody else, unappreciated, manipulated, people talked bad about you and when u care so much, it will eat u alive.

Office politics will definitely affecting your morale, but you can never ever let it bite you to the ground.

Satu je, buat keje bia ikhlas, lantaklah apa orang nak cakap wehh.


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